Saturday, November 24, 2007

Harold Best at Mars Hill

Here's a link to video of a lecture Harold Best did at Mars Hill Church at the Continuous Worship Conference. I've mentioned Harold's book "Unceasing Worship: Biblical Perspectives on Worship and the Arts" on this blog before. As with his writing, it took me about 1/3 way through the lecture to really be able to follow his style of teaching, and a couple times I had to do the same thing I did with his book (replay the given section 2-3 times before I caught it) but you can get some really good sections at:

0:23:44 ("limping and brokenness...")

0:28:25 ("there is no escape from the word worship...," and "the reason why Christians are free to use the things of the world without borrowing the intent of the world")

0:38:00 ("intercessory prayer and it's results..." and "when the Holy Spirit really comes in, style goes out the window...")

0:40:40 ("Jesus wants us to say 'something' about him..." and "you are not of the short-attention-span-generation..." and "relevant as all hell...")

0:50:45 ("God's glory through my wife's death...")

0:54:25 ("worship as continuous outpouring..." [the theme of his book])

Hope this is profitable for you!


Linda Gray said...

Paul- I can't find the link to Harold Best. . . ??

Linda Gray said...

Thank you, Paul.
Harold Best is worth emulating. He doesn't hide, does he?