Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Preparing For Worship: November 25th

Happy Thanksgiving! I've already posted a Thanksgiving-y type entry, so let's get right to Sunday!

We're going to start with "Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing)" as a call to all our hearts to come together to worship. God's love is really truly so amazing that it should make us sing hallelujah!

We have a few announcements, and we'll have a time of prayer for John Book as he is going overseas to do some work with missionaries over in Japan (I think; sorry John if it's not...).

We'll do some more worship singing and focus on preparing to hear the message that Wayne Dell will bring to us on the topic of "Surrender". "Majesty," a new song I mentioned in my previous post called "O Great God" and "Holiness (Take My Life)" all talk about how we surrender our lives to God, both in salvation and in leading a life of holiness.

Wayne will bring us God's truth from various scripture texts, and we'll respond with two specific songs of surrender: "Surrender" and "I Surrender All."

Surrendering to God is a continual commitment for me, as my prideful will is quick to want to take control of my own life. Surrendering to God frees us from the anxiety and uncertainty of trying to live in our own strength! God's sovereignty is one of the most awesome and comforting characteristics in which we can place our full trust! I'm reminded of the simple children's song "He's got the whole world in his hands" that talks about how God has every little thing worked out and taken care of. Yet another thing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Jess and I are leaving tomorrow for a few days up in Mammoth. A friend graciously offered us his family's condo up there, so we're taking a few days away to relax, and recharge after a very busy couple of months. Jess has been firing on all cylinders for the past few months, so I'm glad she'll have the chance to rest and enjoy some of God's beautiful creation. We may even hit the slopes for some snowboarding (I've never been!). Please pray for safe travel, and a good time of rest, so we can come back and worship together Sunday morning. Happy Thanksgiving!

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