Friday, April 16, 2010

Preparing for Worship: April 16th, 2010

"...the songs we use in worship should, when taken together, join that which is deeply individual to that which is deeply shared. They should unite the "I" with the "We." If we follow the example of the Psalms, we will help individual experience of God energize the worship of the community, even as corporate worship helps individuals to experience God more profoundly."
-Dr. Mark D. Roberts

One of the cool things about the corporate worship experience is the unique blend of personal and "communal" perspective. On one hand, every believer that walks in the door has the 100% presence of the Holy Spirit within them, and as they sing praise, thanksgiving, confession, and the gospel, it can be a highly personal time as they respond in their own ways to God and to the atoning death of Christ in their place.

On the other hand, the presence of the Holy Spirit can be manifested in other ways when the group of local believers that together make up the body of Christ are gathered! I've said before that when the worship band rehearses prior to Sunday, often times we are rehearsing a set of songs, but when the body of Christ offers those songs as their communal declaration they become something much more that both honors God and builds up those who take part!

I'd encourage you to consider this balance of personal/corporate this coming Sunday. Consider how your participation in the service through singing, giving, and diligently studying not only builds you up and honors God, but also is an act of edification to those around you. I feel like Pastor Todd and I are the greatest recipients of this since we get to see all of you as you face us. It's amazing how each and every person's facial expressions, body language, and countenance can add (or take away!) to the combined energy of the service. It can be compared to a sports team getting pumped up for a match as they get together in a huddle and remind themselves what is at stake, and to do their very best.

And that's the end of Worship Class 101 for this week! :)

This weekend we're really excited to have the Children of the World with us! If you don't know these kids, you are in for a treat. They are an international children's choir with kids from all over the world. They travel around and help raise awareness for international needs and ministry opportunities. They'll be sharing a song during our service as a "teaser" for their full concert which they'll be sharing with us Sunday night at 6:00pm.

So our service this week will start with the tune "Everlasting God" as an energetic call to worship based on Isaiah 40. Notice the use of the word "We" in this tune as opposed to "I," we wait on the Lord corporately in addition to individually.

After this tune, we will worship as Pastor Todd prays and welcomes everyone, and as we say a warm "top o' the mornin' to ya!" to friends and visitors.

Next, the Children of the World will come and give us a taste of what's to come during their evening concert; it's gonna be so rad! One of the kids will also give their testimony to give us all a perspective on how life is so different (and honestly, so much harder!) in other parts of the world. This is a great opportunity to worship by giving thanks for the huMUNgous blessing it is to live in America, and to be able to work and support our families.

After this, we'll jump back into singing, with a hymn that reminds us that our God is a glorious and almighty King over ALL the nations: "Your Great Name We Praise." We'll transition right into the Delirious tune "Majesty" to highlight what a tremendous privilege we have to stand before the holy King, "empty handed, but alive in Your hands!" I hope these tunes will be a powerful reminder of the gospel, and the forgiveness we've been offered through the death of Christ.

Then Pastor Todd will come and preach part two of "The Haustafel" from the last few verses of Ephesians 5 as we continue our way through this theological treasure house!

In case you missed last week, "The Haustafel" is German for "the house-table." The term was applied to this passage of scripture by Martin Luther as he reflected on the apostle Paul's instruction to each "member of the house." He gives the picture of the apostle going around the dinner table, if you will, to each person, instructing them on their appropriate roles. Check out Pt. 1 by CLICKING HERE. You can listen and get caught up for Pt. 2. CLICK HERE to read this week's scripture passage as you prepare to receive the Spirit's illumination and application of this passage to your life.

Then we'll respond with two songs to help us process the text and the message. "I Surrender All" reminds us that we carry out our roles in family not to "have a good marriage" or "avoid conflict in the house" but because we submit to CHRIST! Then we'll sing "Jesus, Thank You" which is a vivid reminder of Christ's own submission to the will of the Father; becoming obedient unto death so that lost souls might be won to new life!

So that's what's happening this weekend; looking forward to sharing it with you in just a few days! Click on the song titles of any tunes you aren't familiar with to hear how they go. Happy prep!

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