Friday, April 9, 2010

Preparing for Worship: April 11th, 2010

Well Easter 2010 is in the history books, and what a great weekend it was at Crossroads! We had five services over the course of the weekend, and for our three Sunday morning services we saw over 700 people come to celebrate the resurrection of the Savior! I've heard of one man giving his life to the Lord just a day or two later after coming to visit Crossroads on Easter Sunday! I'm thankful for the sweet spirit that God's placed in the hearts of the people of our church.

This Sunday we're back to our "normal" routine of things and personally, I'm thankful! Celebrating big holidays like Easter and Christmas are AMAZING, but there's nothing like worshiping with the family I know and love each and every week. There is definitely something to be said for consistency and the body is incomplete when it's members are missing; so don't miss! :)

This Sunday we are going to start out our time with two awesome songs about God's power and majesty. The first, "Glorious and Mighty" is a celebration of God's sovereignty, and the anticipation of his glorious return for his church. "Before the Throne of God Above" is a proclamation of our right standing with the righteous Creator of the universe, and though Satan tempt us with guilt and doubt, or physical death take us, we are "one with himself [and] cannot die!!"

Then, after Todd prays for the morning and welcomes any visitors, etc. we'll get to hear from Crossroads Missionaries Peter and Heather Malakar who are visiting the US with a very cool purpose...

We'll have a few moments to say hi to those sitting around ya, and maybe meet someone new, and then we'll jump into some more songs about the greatness of God. "How Great Thou Art" reflects on God's power displayed in his handiwork across the universe, and "Mighty to Save" parallels that power with his power to rescue us, and defeat the power of sin!

Savior, he can move the mountains; my God is mighty to save!

Then Pastor Todd will come and preach from the book of Ephesians as we cross some very close to home (quite literally) terrain. Paul is talking to each member of the household, and teaching them the roles that God would have them uphold in their home. CLICK HERE to check out this important teaching from God's Word. The ideas that we have biblical roles can be offensive to some people, as it can portray an inequality in relationship, but this is not what the apostle Paul is trying to say! Come Sunday and hear the real story...

Then we'll respond to the truth of the Word with the song "The Stand." This is a new tune we did on Good Friday, and it's a powerful reminder of how God created the whole world, sent his Son to die, and sent his Spirit to live in us, so that our souls could "stand." Remember, before Christ, we were all dead in our sins, so when we are made alive in Christ, our souls can really stand for the first time, pure, cleansed, and justified before a holy God! The bridge of the song says "so I'll stand with arms high, and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all. I'll stand, my soul, Lord, to You surrendered; all I am is Yours!!"

Be sure to check out that video if you're not that familiar with the tune. It's definitely one you'll want to be singing at the top of your lungs with the Crossroads family on Sunday!

So that's what's going on this weekend. Pray for the group of our men that will be away on retreat, that God will speak to them and teach them in all wisdom and truth; and that they'll come back stronger leaders in their homes and in our church!

See you Sunday; happy prep!

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