Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Song: "Eternal Praise" by Enfield

I'm excited to teach this tune to you this week from the band Enfield with whom I have had the privilege of playing at the Resolved Conference for the past two years. The song was written by my friends Ryan Foglesong and David Zimmer specifically for the album "O For That Day" which is an entire album of songs devoted to the theme of heaven. The album has been a blessing to me and many others as it has helped cultivate in us a desire for the sinless perfection and joy that we'll experience when we either go to be with the Lord through death or he comes again in glory.

Here are the lyrics:

What joyful thoughts doth heaven bring;
where righteous ones will worship Thee?
No sadness, fear, or suffering;
but joyful cries to the King of Kings!
What sacrifice the Father made:
to crush the Son who bore our shame,
Yet raised him up that glorious day
to give us hope and a holy name!

O praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
who wrote, with blood, our eternal praise!
Let the nations of the earth proclaim:

"O praise the name of Jesus"
our song forever shall be.
Let the anthem of salvation
be the song that we shall sing.

What deepened wounds have saved our souls;
what blood that washed our sins of old!
What precious hands have ransomed men
and brought us to Himself again!
What hope is in our heavenly home,
where we will bow at our Father's throne,
And walk with Him on streets of gold
and kiss the Christ we long to hold!

Behold the city of the King: hallelujah!
His glory is the air we breath: hallelujah!

Since there were only partial clips of us playing this tune at Resolved, I recorded a simple video to help you learn the tune. Check it out!


JRL said...


I've been looking to do this song with our youth at church because it's a great song. Would you be able to provide the chords for the song?

Grace upon grace,

Paul said...

Hey Jason,

Sure, I can send you the chart I use for this tune. Just leave me an email address.

JRL said...



Grace upon grace,

Tobi said...

Hey Paul

I have heard of you guys my first time at WG11. It's been a huge blessing for me to see you worshipping, exalting Christ in such a creative way.
I really love this song and it felt like that i have known this song for a long time. I really would like to introduce that song in my church. Could you send me the chord charts as well?

blessings from Switzerland

Carmello said...


I have been searching everywhere for a chord chart or anything for "Eternal Praise"! I love this song so much and it was one of the highlights of WorshipGod11. Can you please send me the chords as well, just as you did for Jason above? My email address is Thanks and thank you so much for the music Enfield is putting out! I have been rocked all year by the arrangement of "There is a Fountain" off Resolved Vol. 1.

- Carmello

Josueraul said...

Hey! Not sure if this blog is still being used, but I'm wondering if you could send me those chords you're using as well. I appreciate it.
