Friday, January 2, 2009

Preparing For Worship: January 4th.2009

Well here we are at our first Sunday in 2009! I hope you all have had a great holiday season and are ready to tackle the new year head on!

I'm excited to be back with you after a great little vacation up to Mammoth Mountain last week. I heard from many of you that my brother did a great job leading in my stead, and I'm sure you guys ministered to him through your eager participation.

This Sunday Pastor Todd resumes our study in the Sermon on the mount in Matthew chapter 5. Since we've had a few Sundays away from this passage, why not take this opportunity to review the text we've already covered? If you're one of the really "hard-core," you might take out the sermon notes you save each week, and remind yourselves of the important lessons we've learned along the way.

HERE's the text we've covered in Matthew 5 up to this point.

Pastor Todd will be preaching on the next passage dealing with divorce. Be sure to read this important passage as you prepare for Sunday.

Here are the songs we'll be singing: we'll be starting with "How Great Thou Art" and after Pastor Todd welcomes everyone, leads us in prayer, and shares some announcements, we'll learn our new song we've been practicing: "Psalm 62." We'll follow that with "You Alone" which reinforces what we just sang about finding our rest in God alone. After Pastor Todd's sermon, we'll celebrate communion together and sing "How Deep The Father's Love For Us" as we take the bread and the cup that symbolize Jesus' blood and body sacrificed for us.

We'll close with "Everlasting God" as a resolution to wait on God and his perfect plan and perfect timing as we head into the new year.

That's what's going on; happy preparation!

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