Thursday, January 29, 2009

Preparing For Worship: February 1st

Well we had an amazing morning of corporate worship together last week at our celebration/baptism/guest speaker morning! I trust that all of you who worshiped with us were immensely blessed, and I am confident that God was honored and glorified by what took place that morning, in every aspect.

This week we'll keep that joy and energy going as we jump back into the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5. Pastor Todd will be talking about "Loving Without Limits." Read up on the passage to refresh your memory, and prepare for the teaching time.

As always we will be lifting our voices together in praise to our God, so be sure you warm up your vocal chords in the shower or on your way to church so you can have your full voice when we sing together! We'll start the service with a song that declares that we are Hungry for God to fill us up as we meet together in his name.

After a short welcome and prayer we'll sing some more songs that rejoice in God's sovereignty over all things: We Trust Your Will, and I Have A Hope. Because it's God's all powerful rule over his creation that gives us an indestructible hope!

Pastor Todd will then come and preach from God's Word, and afterward, we'll share a time of communion together, remembering the suffering and death of Jesus Christ for our sins. We'll sing You Are My King while we take the bread and the cup, reminding ourselves that we're forgiven because Christ was forsaken by his Father, and that we're accepted because he was condemned in our place!

We'll close the service by singing Be Unto Your Name as we go out into the world for his glory!

That's what's going on this Sunday; happy preparation!

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