Friday, January 23, 2009

Preparing For Worship: January 25th, 2009

This Sunday is one of our "Celebration Sundays" that we do periodically throughout the year. This is a Sunday that we have various special things going on in our services, and you WON'T want to miss this week!!

We will be having baptisms in both of our services! We purchased a special "portable" baptismal that we can set up and use right inside our building! No more waiting for warm weather and an available pool at someone's house (although there is something cool and special about that, and we may do it again at some point), because now we can baptize right in our service so that our whole church body can celebrate with those who are publicly declaring that they've put their faith in Christ for salvation!

We will also be privileged to hear from special guest speaker: Bob Kraning. Formerly Director of Forest Home Conference Center, Bob Kraning joined Chuck Swindoll’s staff as Pastor of Men’s Ministry and Evangelism in 1988. Founder of Good Word Ministries, Bob now travels full time teaching and preaching. An excellent and enthusiastic communicator, Bob radiates his love for the Lord. Bob will be speaking from Matthew 17:14-21 so be sure you read it before you come so you can be familiar with it.

Upstairs during our second service, we'll be showing a video preview of the upcoming Financial Peace University series that we'll be hosting at Crossroads. This course teaches biblical principles, and practical steps to get out of debt, and to save and plan intelligently for the future. If money has ever been an issue or worry in your life (who HASN'T worried about money right??), then you need to come at least check out this program. 10:30 am, upstairs in room 204.

Sunday night at 6:30 will also be Pastor's Coffee for those of you who may be new to Crossroads. This is a time to come and find out more about why the church started, and what its vision is for the future. It's not too late to sign up. Maps will be available at the ministry table.

And finally, as far as the songs we're singing together, we'll be starting with a set of two songs that are great songs to call us to corporate worship: "You're Worthy Of All Praise" and "Be Glorified." We'll have our baptisms after this, and then sing a couple more to prepare our hearts for the message on faith that Bob will be bringing to us: "Perfect Savior," and "The Solid Rock." After Bob's sermon, we'll respond with one song as a closing and benediction (huh? what's that??): "Draw Me Close."

So that's what's going on; happy preparation!

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