Friday, May 2, 2008

Preparing For Worship: May 4th

"Christians are mutually dependent on one another and they are collectively dependent on Jesus Christ for life and power. We meet together to benefit from the relationships and ministries we can share with one another. Yet, in drawing on the resources which Christ himself provides through other believers for the growth and development of his body, we are being strengthened in our relationship with him. The important concept of interacting with one another is not to be divorced from the notion that we come together to engage with God." -David Peterson, "Engaging With God"

The weekly gathering of the body of Christ is such a remarkable thing! People with a common faith, common love, common Spirit gathering together to encourage each other and interact as one entity with almighty God, creator of the universe!

I have been overwhelmed by the genuine spirit of participation and encouragement that I have encountered since coming to Crossroads, and it is my prayer and my exhortation to you to keep it up; never lose that.

As a worship leader, I've seen many ways that people express themselves during corporate worship, especially worship singing: closing eyes; lifting hands; bowing heads; quiet meditation on the words; dancing; crying; smiling; hugging; holding hands; "air" drumming/guitaring; and the like. The diversity and passion with which people express worship/thankfulness/joy to the Lord is such a unique and encouraging thing for me to see, standing where I do at the front. I'd suggest you take a look around sometime at those you worship with. It will encourage you, and drive home the idea that this is indeed "corporate" worship, and though some may shut their eyes, they are not shutting everyone else out (hopefully!), but they are treasuring the corporate worship experience, and responding to the presence of God's Spirit!

We want to cultivate an authentic expression and spirit of worship (whether it's singing, praying, studying, giving, or whatever), and that means each one of us must be transparent and vulnerable in the process. Some may feel that they "can't sing" (just sit next to Pastor Todd!), but that shouldn't stop them from making a joyful noise, and outwardly joining in the worship singing. Some may wholeheartedly agree with what's being prayed, and want to encourage the one praying with a "yes Lord!" but are worried about voicing that verbally because it wasn't what they were raised with, or they're worried about being a distraction.

I hope we continue learning together to express the range and depth of worship and edification within our church body. As David Peterson said in his book "Engaging With God" (quoted above), as we draw on the gifts and ministries of our body, we are being strengthened in our relationship with God himself!

So here's our chance to practice, as we look ahead to this Sunday.

We'll be celebrating communion together, and we'll start focusing our hearts and minds on the sacrifice of Christ from the get-go with "Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus." And have a time of welcome, announcements, and greeting led by Darren Utley. Here's some of the announcements we'll hear about:
-Shelter (College/Young Adult Ministry) meets Sunday night at the Toy's
-Women's Retreat coming up in September
-Grab a Bible/Visitor Welcome brochure/DVD

We'll sing the new song I put on the last post called "How Deep The Father's Love For Us," and then we'll take communion together and rejoice in the work of Christ on the cross by singing "The Power Of The Cross."

Pastor Todd will then teach us from Ecclesiastes 5 :1-7 about having the proper attitudes for worship. Be sure to read the passage!

We'll respond to God's word by singing "I Stand In Awe" and "How Great Is Our God" and go out as salt and light into the world!

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