Friday, May 16, 2008

Preparing For Worship: May 18th, 2008

Looking forward to a great Sunday with you all this weekend, and I hope these blog posts are helpful to you as you prepare yourselves to come and worship with the Crossroads family!

I'm subbing at Village Christian today, so my post will be short, but here's what's going on on Sunday.

Ken Ruggles will be preaching on "The Character of God" from the book of Job. So we'll be spending the whole morning marvelling at the greatness of God. We'll start with the song "Indescribable" and then Pastor Todd will bring us some announcements.

We'll continue singing of God's amazing character with "Immortal, Invisible," "Mighty To Save," and "How Great Is Our God."

Ken will bring us his message for the morning, and we'll follow that with a time of silent response, as I share a new song with us that is based on Job's response to the character of God called "Shall I Attempt To Speak." (the song for which this blog is named)

We'll end our service together by singing "How Great Thou Art" as we go. May God's greatness of character cause us to have a greater love, fear, and awe of who he is!

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