Friday, May 23, 2008

Preparing For Worship: May 25th, 2008

The countdown is on until our first service in our new building!! Two more after this week! Praise God for his provision and for opening doors that only he could!

So we cherish these last few weeks of meeting in our beloved cafeteria, and we thank God for where he's brought us in the last 18 months as a church (I say that even though I haven't even been there for all 18, but you know what I mean!!)

This Sunday, Pastor Todd resumes our study in the book of Ecclesiastes, picking up in chapter 5:8-20. Be sure to prepare by reading the passage and asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate its meaning to your heart and mind, and that he would help you to apply its truth to your life.

We'll start the service with a reminder of the terms on which we come before God by singing "I Am A Friend Of God" which is true because of the atoning death of Christ on the cross!

Darren Utley will remind us of upcoming events and ministry opportunities, and we'll transition into a time to greet each other, and especially those who would be visiting this week!

We'll sing some more together as we start to focus our thoughts and minds on what God would have for us in his Word. Pastor Todd will be talking about "The Myth Of More" and, as Solomon calls it, the "vanity of wealth and honor." We'll consider the idea that true, and complete fulfillment is found in God, and he's orchestrated it that way! So we'll sing songs that remind us of that: "Beautiful One," "Enough," and "Better Is One Day."

Pastor Todd will then come and teach us from the Word, and then we'll have a chance to respond, and worship God as our ultimate goal and fulfillment by singing our new song "Be Unto Your Name" and "Draw Me Close." May the words we sing always come from an engaged heart, and active mind, and not as a vain repetition of words and tunes we've memorized!!

See you Sunday!

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