Friday, April 25, 2008

Preparing For Worship: April 27th

"Mind and heart belong together. Strong, passionate desires for God flow from and encourage the faithful, thoughtful study of God-His nature, character and works.
We're deceived when we think we can have one without the other. God intends us to have both.
If our doctrine is accurate but our hearts are cold towards God himself, our corporate worship will be true but lifeless. Or if we express fervent love for God but present vague, inaccurate, or incomplete ideas of him to those we're [worshiping with], our worship will be emotional but misleading-and possibly idolatrous. Neither option brings God glory."
That quote is from Bob Kauflin's book "Worship Matters: Leading Others To Encounter The Greatness Of God." A book I have already found to be immensely helpful (I'm only 5 chapters in), and one that I would recommend to you all.

We seek to worship God in spirit and in truth, with our spirit (our heart and soul), and our minds engaged in full response to God's glory. Sometimes I can see myself shifting towards one extreme or the other, WHILE I'M LEADING! I have to continually work to find the balance of intellect and emotion when responding to God.

This is an issue both when we sing, and when we sit under teaching. When we listen to the sermon, we sometimes approach it as a university lecture, something we're supposed to intellectually understand, and be able to recite during a test. We should strive to respond just as much emotionally and passionately to the Truth, as we do intellectually.

Something to think about.

Now about this Sunday. We're going to start with a song that presents us with the majesty and strength of God: "Let God Arise". This will draw our attention to his glory as we seek to corporately honor and seek him.

Darren Utley will come and remind us of upcoming opportunities at Crossroads including:
-Pastor's Coffee
-Building Update

We'll continue singing with "For You Are The Lord" which also extols the sovereignty and power of God as our Creator and Savior. Then we'll learn a new song called "Mighty To Save" which talks about the universal need for forgiveness, and the power that God has to forgive our wretched sin; he is might to save! We'll lead into the sermon by remembering the culmination of that power through Christ's death on the cross for our sins: "At The Cross."

Pastor Todd will continue to teach through the book of Ecclesiastes (3:16-4:16), and we'll think through the life lessons that Solomon is trying to teach us. Be sure to read the passage and prepare your minds AND HEARTS to engage and respond to God's Word. I really want to try and develop this in my own life: to respond as passionately to God's Word as I do intellectually. This includes praying that the Spirit would help me to fully understand it, and that he would show me how to apply it in my life that I might better glorify the Father.

After the sermon, we'll respond with "Blessed Be Your Name" and "I Am A Friend Of God."

Looking forward to worshiping with all of you! I hope you're enjoying the CD that Frosty and Linda blessed us all with last week: "Paradox of Power." (If you weren't there or didn't receive one, catch me before or after the service, or check out Linda's website HERE)


Linda Gray said...

Hi Paul~
I will miss worshiping with you guys this week. I will spy on one of the local worship bands here in Wichita Kansas tomorrow and report back.
Love and thanks for plugging our Paradox of Power project. I do pray it is of some value for the family of Crossroads.
Linda Gray

Paul said...

Thanks Linda, and hurry home!