Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What Are The Essential Doctrines For Salvation?

Pulpit Magazine, one of the blogs I try to keep up with, just posted the first of a series about the "essential doctrines."

You've probably experienced frustration at some point in your Christian walk with the different interpretations of doctrine and theology exhibited in different denominations (a la Baptists or Methodists), or sects of the faith (a la Catholicism or Mormonism). At the end of the day, even if we get to heaven and find out we didn't quite figure out Calvinism vs. Arminianism (Predestination vs. Free Will), there's a certain "doctrinal requirement," if you will, that we ALL MUST agree on for salvation; so what is it??

Surely this includes accepting the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross for your sins as the crux, but what about accepting that Jesus was fully Deity(God)? If Mormons believe that Christ died for us, but that he was really Micheal the Archangel, are they going to heaven?

I look forward to the rest of this series, as the men involved in the Shepherds' Fellowship (who maintain "Pulpit Magazine") are men that hold the scripture and its right interpretation in the highest regard.

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