Friday, February 29, 2008

Preparing For Worship: March 2nd

Happy Leap Year! Any exciting plans?? There are a select few out there who were born on a leap year, and so they age at 1/4 the rate that the rest of us do! Yay!

Alright, that's the most celebrating I've EVER done for a leap year, so be thankful you witnessed it.

Looking to this Sunday, let's jump right in:

We'll start with a new song "Let God Arise" which is a great call-to-worship song celebrating the power and majestic strength of our God. Check out my last post for the lyrics.

We'll have a little "family-time" and hear about various ministry opportunities, including our college/young adult ministry, our youth ministry, and our Giving/In-N-Out Sunday (you'll want to pay attention to that one!).

We'll continue singing, and preparing our hearts for Pastor Todd's message dealing with distractions in our life, with "How Great Thou Art" (click forward to about 2:00 on that one) "Better Is One Day" and "I Fix My Eyes." Each of which reminds us that we have the greatest most wonderful thing in the entire universe to focus on and pursue, and how silly and dangerous it can be when we get distracted by temporal, worldly pursuits.

Pastor Todd will then bring the Word of the Lord to us from 1 Timothy 6:17-20. Read the passage, be familiar with it, so you know what's going on!

After the sermon, we'll continue worshiping through a time of communion together. I will sing a special song called "At The Cross" (which we'll do together soon) as we remember the sacrifice of Christ. Then we'll all sing "You Alone" as a final reminder that God is indeed the only Father, and good God. We'll go our ways with that thought in our minds, and hopefully live a little less distracted in the coming weeks!

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