Friday, February 15, 2008

Preparing For Worship: Februrary 17th

Hey everyone!

Pastor Todd and I met earlier this week to plan this Sunday's service, and we kept saying it would be an "average," "run-of-the-mill," "normal" service. We said that because we've had lots of "special" things in the last few weeks: elder affirmations and commissionings, building updates, financial reports, etc. and so since we don't have any of those kinds of things this week, we called it a "regular" Sunday.

Then I started thinking: we're coming together as the local body of Christ at Crossroads Community Church to direct our worship unto the omnipotent/omniscient/omnipresent Creator of the universe, who directed the entirety of his infinite wrath against sin onto his own son so that we might be reconciled to a right relationship with him! I know we do it every week, but man, it's a little sad when we start saying it's "average" and "regular."

I hope that the time we spend together each week is "regular" in that it's consistently edifying for all the believers that come in the door, and that our worship/offerings/sitting under the authority of the Word is all glorifying to God each week, but man, I hope that it's never "normal" to experience the glory of God together!!

Now that we all know what we mean when we say it's going to be a "regular" Sunday, here's what'll be going on so you can prepare.

We'll start with "You're Worthy Of My Praise" as a call to worship. We'll continue in worship through ministry opportunities and announcements. Our Hope Gardens outreach event is next Saturday, so (women-only) don't forget to sign up if you haven't yet! Shelter (College/Young Adult ministry) meets this Sunday night, and we normally meet at Wes and Denise Toy's house, and we want to remember to pray for Wes, as he suffered from a stroke early this week. He's doing better, and the Doctors think he'll make a full recovery, but it's a long road ahead, so keep Wes and his family in your prayers. Then we have Men's and Women's discipleship starting again, so get involved!

After announcements, we'll jump back into singing together and focus our minds towards the message Pastor Todd will bring us with "Marvelous Light" which is a wonderful picture of how we run out of the darkness and into the light. Pastor Todd will preach on "The Battle for Faith and Godliness" and what it means to pursue biblical man and womanhood.

"For You Are The Lord" surveys the glory of the character of God, and responds with "my life to live for you" and acknowledges the Lordship of Christ in each of our lives. Right before the sermon, we'll sing our newer song "From The Inside Out" that we've done the last couple weeks. It expresses the desire of our hearts to bring praise and glory to the name of God from the inside out, and leads well into Todd's message.

He's preaching from 1 Timothy 6:11-12 and instructing us to not only flee from the things that displease God, but to flee towards the things that do please him (you can't just flee and expect to be done!)

We'll respond in song after the sermon with the great hymn "Be Thou My Vision" as a prayer for our lives that we would remain focused on the Lord, and that we'd see everything else as "naught" except what points us to him. We'll end our service with "I Stand In Awe" reminding us of the beautiful and marvelous God that we serve, and resolve to praise him with all of our lives!

Looking forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!

There weren't many good versions of "I Stand In Awe" on YouTube, but if you neeeeed to see one, check THIS ONE out... :-)

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