Friday, January 4, 2008

Preparing For Worship: January 6th

Welcome to 2008! I count myself blessed to be part of such an awesome community of believers such as we have at Crossroads. I can't wait to see what this year has for us!

As we prepare for this Sunday, we can't help but think of God's goodness and faithfulness to us in giving us a new church home! We're going to spend a lot of time singing songs that rejoice and celebrate God's leading in the life of our church.

We'll sing "To God Be The Glory" as a call to worship and recount the "great things he has done" in providing for our needs!

John Book will come and share a few ministry/fellowship opportunities and then we'll greet and welcome each other and also our visitors.

We'll continue our celebration singing with "Blessed Be Your Name" which reminds us that whether times are plentiful, or lacking, when God gives, and when he takes away, he is still on the throne, and therefore we cry out in every circumstance "blessed be your name!"

Next is a new song that I want to introduce called "We Trust Your Will." The two blog posts right before this one are about this new song. I wrote it shortly before leaving my old church to follow God's leading here to Crossroads. I was taking a step of faith, Crossroads was taking a step of faith, and San Gabriel was taking a step of faith, each one of us trusting God to lead, provide, and enable. Check out the recording and short blurb below.

We'll finish the set with a hymn of celebration that believers have sung since the 1920's: "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" which is pretty self explanatory, and entirely appropriate to our current state!

Pastor Todd will bring us God's truth from the next section of 1 Timothy, which is a call for both personal and communal integrity and example.

We have the opportunity to respond by celebrating communion together. As we do this, we'll sing a couple more songs that focus on the death of Christ for our sin. "Forever My Love" and "Amazing Love (You Are My King)" are two familiar songs that we'll finish our time together with.

So that's what's going on this Sunday. See you there!

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