Friday, January 18, 2008

Preparing For Worship: January 20

Greetings again everyone!

It's been a busy week on my end with the Truth and Life Conference, orientation meetings for substitute teaching in the Hart school district (thanks Lord!), and getting a new puppy! But I look forward to gather again together with you this Sunday, and exalt the glorious name of God!

We're going to sing "Immortal, Invisible God, Only Wise" and "Your Grace Is Enough" at the beginning of the service to call our hearts together to corporate worship. Both those songs help us to gain perspective on how glorious our God is, and how he calls we wretched sinners out of our bondage, and into his glorious life!

We'll continue worshiping through a time of announcements (if you're not sure how to do that, check out last week's post HERE) which are that Shelter meets this Sunday night, there is a special Foundation youth and then continue singing with a newer one I introduced a couple weeks ago called "We Trust Your Will." (the lyrics can be found HERE) After that we'll sing two songs that focus our minds and hearts on submitting and seeking Christ and his beauty with "I Fix My Eyes" and "We Fall Down." Both these songs come from passages in scripture, (Psalm 27, and Revelation 4) and it would be a great way to prepare in addition to reading the text Pastor Todd will be preaching from.

Pastor Todd will finish up 1 Timothy chapter 5, with a passage that talks about elders, and also about the nature of sin within the body. Be sure to read this passage as you prepare for worship.

We'll close with one song at the end that calls on God's graciousness that he would "Give Us Clean Hands" and a pure heart, that we might be a generation of those that seek his face. I think it will be a great way to drive the sermon home, and to send us out into our world as we go.

Happy preparation!

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