Saturday, January 26, 2008

Preparing For Worship: January 27th

Hey everyone, sorry I didn't post yesterday. When I've gotten into the habit of posting on a certain day, not posting leaves me riddled with guilt! I know it's probably not a big deal to you, and I know the world will go on without my Friday "Preparing For Worship" post!

I was helping my wife get her final semester grades in for her students at Village Christian yesterday morning/afternoon, and then last night went with our college/young adult ministry, Shelter, to the Passion conference down at the Nokia center in LA. It was a good night, and I'll probably talk a little about it next week when I have time to blog, but as it is, I've got to get ready to go back again today, so I gotta make this quick!

This Sunday Pastor Todd's preaching from 1 Timothy 6:1-2, regarding how slaves and masters should interact. I mentioned John MacArthur preaching at the Truth and Life Conference, and how he said that the Bible neither condemns nor condones slavery, but rather tells slaves to act like Christians, and tells slave owners to act like Christians, and leaves it at that.

Pastor Todd will explain the pertinence that this passage has for us in our work relationships, and how we can glorify God all the better in our work week. (What?!! Glorify God at my job?! Some of you may think that sounds impossible :), so you better be there!)

We'll also spend time singing songs of praise to God and to Christ, beginning with "Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus" as a call to worship. We'll have a time of worship through announcements, and then have a chance to affirm Steve Stark and Darren Utley as those God has risen up to elder leadership in our church. This should be a great time as we thank God for blessing us with faithful, godly leadership, and as we begin this important process of building an elder board.

Steve Stark will then give us a short update on God's provision in the financial life of Crossroads. God has indeed blessed us, and provided for our needs, and financial stability is one of those great blessings! Steve will explain that to us, and we will worship through our thanksgiving and praise!

We'll respond to God's goodness and blessings by singing "Blessed Be Your Name" for this is surely a time that God has given to us, and we respond by saying "blessed be your name!" We then will focus on God's greatest gift to us by singing "That's Why We Praise Him" rejoicing in the work of Christ on our behalf. And we'll finish the set with a song of God's sovereignty and greatness with "Lord Jehovah."

Pastor Todd will then bring us the Word, and afterwards, I'll share a song called "From The Inside Out" that I hope we'll all be able to sing together soon. Then we'll go out into the world asking for God to stir a passion in our hearts that the world cannot explain, and that our hearts cannot contain as we sing "Stir In Me," replacing the phrase "I come to worship You" with "I live to worship You" committing all of ourselves to the Lord.

I don't have time to link all of the song titles to samples this morning, but I think we've done all the songs (save for the one I'll share) before, so hopefully it'll be a great morning of participation, and God will be greatly honored and glorified in our meeting together!

See you then!

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