Friday, August 27, 2010

Preparing for Worship: August 29th, 2010

Looking forward to worshiping with y'all this weekend! It's kind of amazing all the people that have walked through our doors the past couple Sundays! We're fast running out of room, so get to church early this week, and better yet, come to first service!!

I'm finding it easier not to be redundant and type out the same sentiment that I talk about in the video blog, so I'll just continue to post the set list with links so you can be sure you know the tunes. I'll also post the sermon text and link it to an online Bible so you can read the passage before Sunday so you can get the most out of Pastor Todd's sermon (it's like going back to college!)

Sunday's Worship Set:
1) "Let Your Kingdom Come"
2) "Jesus Messiah"
This set is for us to "refocus" the worship that we offer towards other things during the week like our jobs, our families, or ourselves (all good things, but sometimes they can take away from the Lord!)

3) "O Church Arise" (NEW SONG!! Check out the previous blog post!)
4) "Our God"
This set is a call to the church to engage in the spiritual warfare that rages around us as souls hang in the balance. The second song reminds us that the outcome of that battle is already certain because of the God we serve!

5) The Stand
We'll close with this tune as a response to the work that the Spirit will hopefully do in our hearts as Pastor Todd teaches and preaches God's word to us. He's preaching from Nehemiah 11 & 12 which you can read by clicking HERE. And he's talking about how to put ourselves in a position to receive true joy that is not dependent on circumstance or "happiness." Like the last part of "The Stand" says, we know true joy when we stand in awe of Christ and fully surrender our will and soul to him!

That's the plan, see you Sunday! COME EARLY or COME TO FIRST SERVICE!!

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