Friday, June 18, 2010

Preparing for Worship: June 20th, 2010

Happy Father's Day! It's another great "secular" holiday that has so much more meaning for Christ-followers. We are certainly thankful for the dads in our lives, and it's wonderful to show them the appreciation they deserve, but what a great reminder that our dads here are meant to help us understand the heavenly Father, who is God over all.

Some have dads that epitomize love, consistency, patience, and strength in our minds; while some have dads that seem to epitomize the very opposites of those things. What a stronghold of truth to know and trust that our heavenly Father is PERFECT in all things, and that he cares PERFECTLY for his children, and LOVES to pour out good and PERFECT gifts on those that seek after him. Sometimes our idea of "good and perfect" doesn't always match up with the Lord's, but we know that nothing exists outside of God's sovereignty, and we rest in that.

This week Pastor Todd and his family left for vacation in Maui! They'll be enjoying Father's Day on the beach drinking fruit punch from a pineapple. At least the weather in Valencia has been really nice too; we won't feel too cheated!

That means we have a guest speaker this week. His name is Bob King, and he's one of the pastors of the Sojourners ministry at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley. Sojourners is an all-ages ministry group with a specific focus in Old Testament Studies. Bob will be bringing us a special Father's Day message entitled "Like Father, Like Son...Really?" which you don't want to miss!

Musically, we have our flautist, Jim Morris, joining us this Sunday which is always fun, and we're breaking in a new electric guitarist, Brian Baker. We're going to sing "Come Thou Fount" as an opener and an invitation to the Spirit to help us bring glory to God. Then we'll focus on our Father's Day theme and sing "The Father's Love."

Then one of our elders, Darren Utley, will lead in a time of welcome and greeting, and he'll also be giving us an exciting announcement/update for our Youth Ministries. Basically we have a strong candidate for the position who will be coming to Crossroads on the 27th, and will be teaching in our Youth Group meeting during 2nd service that day. Then Darren will have us all say a quick hello to our fellow Crossroaders, and then we'll be back to singing about our heavenly Father with "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" and "I Give You My Heart" which will be a fitting response as we commit our hearts and lives to honor and glorify the Father who adopted us into his heavenly household from the slums of death!

Then Darren will introduce our guest speaker and Bob King who will come and proclaim God's Word to us. I'm honestly not sure of which scriptures he'll be using in his message, so I can't link to any specific passage, but I found a great video clip of CJ Mahaney talking about God as Father which I recommend you check out by CLICKING HERE.

We'll close with the simple tune "You Alone" as we remind ourselves and each other that only God is truly Father over all, and good above everything!

That's what's happening this Sunday, so BE THERE or I will sprinkle jelly beans on your lawn!

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