Friday, August 28, 2009

Preparing For Worship: August 30, 2009

Greetings again my friends!

Well the big piano is gone, and my cellist, Meghan, is back in Kansas City this week. I'm thankful for her giftedness and heart, and I really enjoyed playing with her.

Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on last week, and said that they really enjoyed the piano/cello combo. I'm glad it was a blessing!

This week we're back to the old band and I'll be back behind a guitar where I feel much more comfortable!

We're gonna start with the hymn "Crown Him With Many Crowns" as we set our priority of worship on exalting the name of Jesus. We'll follow that up with a song that declares God's worth through our need for him; that we are "Hungry" for him, broken in need of his comfort, weary in need of rest in him, and empty in need of his love to fill us!

Pastor Todd will lead a time of prayer and welcome. There will be a short reminder about our FPU Preview which will take place during both services, and also our upcoming Sunday Seminar series.

We'll continue in song with "I Have a Hope" which explores the great joy and hope we have through our Redeemer, and all the joy that lies in serving him with our lives. We'll go to "Psalm 62" next and remind our hearts that the hope we just sang about lies ONLY in God, and that no matter what the cost or trial, we will delight in him alone.

Pastor Todd will then come and finish up Joshua's farewell speech to the Israelites in Joshua 24. CLICK HERE to read Joshua's address, and prepare your own hearts to hear the commands and truths of the Word when Pastor Todd preaches it on Sunday.

We'll respond with the songs "Give Us Clean Hands" which is a prayer for God's help, through his Word, and through his Spirit, to guide us, convict us, and sanctify us for his glory and purposes. Then we'll finish our time together with "Blessed Be Your Name" as we commit to live in the principles Joshua spells out for the people: choosing to bless God's name in every situation we face, and daily striving to honor him with our lives.

That's what's going on, so prepare well, and we'll see you Sunday!

PS. Even if you know the songs this week; check out the video link I posted to "Blessed Be Your Name;" it's a really powerful, real-life application of the truth of the song. Really moving. Just click on any of the song titles to view videos or hear audio of the song to help you prepare for singing!

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