Friday, May 29, 2009

Preparing For Worship: May 31, 2009

This Sunday is going to be a very exciting morning as we have got a TON of stuff going on that you're going to really enjoy.

First, DON'T eat breakfast before you come to church this Sunday, unless you don't like PANCAKES!  We're going to be cooking up the best flapjacks this side of the I-5 freeway, and we need you to help us eat 'em!  The hotcakes will be frying all morning so if you're a 1st service kinda person, enjoy some after you're dismissed, and you 2nd service people might wanna come a little early!

Second, we are commissioning and praying for nine of our people that are going out on short-term mission trips this Summer.  I don't have all the details on me at the moment, but come and see who's going where, and find out how you can support them as they go and serve.

Third (phew!), we will be celebrating some baptisms together!  This is a great time for our church family to rejoice with those who are taking this important step of obedience and publicly declaring their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, and committing to follow him and serve him.

As usual, we'll be singing together and lifting our voices as an offering to our God.  We're gonna start with "How Good and Pleasant" and go right into "Indescribable" at the beginning.  These two songs help get our brains on the right track for the morning, first by acknowledging that we are gathered in love and unity to praise the Lord, and then by proclaiming his greatness as we see it all around us in his creation.

Pastor Todd will come and pray for the morning, and direct all the cool happenings that I mentioned above.  After we finish baptisms, we'll come back and respond together in song by shouting out "How Great Thou Art!" and "I Stand in Awe."

As we wrapped up the last text in the Sermon on the Mount last week, Pastor Todd will help us figure out what to DO with all of that teaching and wisdom that Jesus has outlined to us in the past number of months.  A proverbial "So WHAT??" message.  Maybe take some time to revisit the Sermon on the Mount in its entirety and try to let it soak in so you'll be ready to apply what you've learned in your everyday life.

We'll sing one more song after the sermon: "Mighty To Save" which reminds us of our call to be Christ's compassion and love to the world, that they might see we're singing for the glory of our risen King!

That's what's going on; see you then!

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