Thursday, December 25, 2008

Preparing For Worship: December 28th, 2008

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and were able to spend time with family and friends, remembering the birth of the Savior!

Just a little info for this Sunday to help you prepare to come and worship together...

I am heading out to Mammoth tomorrow morning, so I won't be at church this weekend, but my brother will be leading worship in my stead, and I know it will be a great time.

Here's what's going on this Sunday:

The first song is the hymn "Praise To The Lord, The Almighty" and then Pastor Todd will come and welcome everyone and lead in prayer. We then get a chance to hear from Mallory Smith who is home from Germany for Christmas. She will give us an update on how she's doing, and how we can continue to pray for her as she begins the second half of the school year.

Then we'll sing some more as we think about God's love, his mercy, and his power in salvation. That he alone is "Mighty to Save" us from our sins, and that in his sovereignty he calls us to a saving knowledge of himself, and "Give[s] Us Clean Hands" and a pure heart.

Pastor Todd will come next and preach to us from Philippians 3:12-21 and teach us how we can make 2009 a year of spiritual growth.

Then we'll respond in worship by singing "Overwhelmed" and then close the service reminding ourselves of the gospel by singing "That's Why We Praise Him."

Hopefully you can get a chance to read the passage and refresh your memory on the songs so that you can come prepared to confidently and joyfully participate, and build up the body as we worship together.

That's what's going on; happy preparation!

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