Friday, December 12, 2008

Preparing For Worship: December 14th, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Or so it's been said...

I found myself wondering again about the experience of the Christian vs. the non-Christian (similar to my musings on Thanksgiving), and what it is that makes it the "most wonderful time of the year" for each group.

To follow the rest of the line from the song I guess it's the "kids jingle-belling, and everyone telling you be of good cheer!" that makes Christmas great for the non-Christian...

To be sure, we've created quite a social and cultural spectacle to go with the secular Christmas season: shopping and presents are the top priority, although many strive to remember the "real" reasons" for Christmas: being with family and friends. Basically, it boils down to relationships I suppose; but they tend to leave out the most important relationship...

On a more practical level, kids are out of school for a few weeks, cold weather necessitates warm clothing and drinks, and lights on the house and the Christmas tree add a wonderful twinkle to the home.

It's all nice, and it's all fun. But that's about it: nice and fun.

For the Christian however, Christmas is the turning point of the history of the universe.

God became flesh and dwelt among us, fulfilling prophecies centuries old of the coming Messiah! We now had a way to be freed from the bondage of sin, and be restored to a right relationship with our Creator! Christmas is the prime example of God's mercy and grace, and his love for us.

Interesting to think about; I'll ramble more next week...

-A quick note- Since you are probably familiar with many of the carols, I picked some pretty interesting videos mostly for your enjoyment, as well as to remind you of words and melody...

This Sunday we're singing CAROLS! We're going to start with a couple of carols that talk about the longing and expectation that God's people had for their Messiah to come: "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus"and "O Come, O Come Emmanuel."

Pastor Todd will then come and lead in prayer and welcome, after which we'll continue singing with some carols that talk about the greeting and proclamation offered by the angels on the night Christ was born: "Angels We Have Heard On High" and "Hark The Herald Angels Sing."

Then Pastor Todd will come and preach part three of his four part series called "Unwrapping the Gift" from the passage John 1:14.

After this, we'll sing another carol: "What Child Is This?" which realizes the magnitude of the gift that we've been given in Christ Jesus.

We'll close the service with a song that talks about what this babe of Bethlehem came to do. He came to be our hope, and indeed it's "In Christ Alone" that our hope is found.

(by the way, this video is one of the best performances of this song I've heard! The good thing about having a megachurch like Joel Osteen's is having Israel Houghton as a worship leader, and a HUGE worship team with a full orchestra and choir!)

So that's what's going on; happy preparation!

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