Friday, July 18, 2008

Preparing For Worship: July 20th, 2008

I have been meaning to say a big "Thank You" to all of you that worship with us at Crossroads. Last Sunday was a particularly great morning, and it was just downright fun to sing and pray and study God's Word together. So thank you.

Let's anticipate another week of joyful celebration of all that God is, and all that he's done for us in Christ! This week our worship team will be "unplugged" (meaning just acoustic guitars and vocals), and so it will be a little different flavor of music style, and it'll require a lot of participation, so practice these songs in your car or shower so we can belt them out!

We'll start with a newer song we learned a couple weeks ago called "Ancient Of Days" which is a triumphant declaration of the truth of God's sovereignty; great way to focus our minds and draw our hearts together for the morning.

Darren will come and share various Worship&Ministry Opportunities that are coming up in the next few weeks, including the following:
-Foundation Youth Ministry meets this week
-Our 2nd, and last, giving Sunday toward our building remodeling and move-in
-Our 3rd summer Community Night, featuring a concert by recording artist Chad Long
-Pastor's Coffee, coming up on Aug. 10th (if you're new to Crossroads, this is especially for YOU!)

As usual we'll take a few minutes to greet each other, and then we'll sing some more together as we think about God's love. I think that I don't often do enough sets that focus only on God's love, because I think that a lot of modern Christianity only EVER talks about God's love, and misses out on so much more of his character. I thought this would be a good time to do one though, in light of the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, which a lot of times can be boiled down to what Christ called the greatest and second greatest commandments: 1) Love the Lord your God... 2) Love Your neighbor as yourself. And what makes those two commandments possible? God's love. First John says that we love BECAUSE he first loved us. God's love changed everything for us, and that's what enables us to utilize the wisdom that Solomon has been talking about throughout the book of Ecclesiastes.

So we'll sing "I Am A Friend Of God;" "How Deep The Father's Love For Us;" and "You Are My King (Amazing Love);" which all remind us of God's great love for us, and his greatest expression of that love in sacrificing his own son for our sin.

Pastor Todd will then teach us from Ecclesiastes 10, talking about "Foolish Moments" in life, and how to live with wisdom. Be sure to read and think through the passage as you prepare for Sunday.

We'll respond with songs that express a desire to live the way Jesus lived. He is our perfect example of living with wisdom and godliness, and we even have the very Spirit of God living within us, empowering us to daily put to death the sinful nature and follow his commands! I pray that this would play out in our lives as we impact our community for the Lord. "Take My Life And Let It Be" and "Psalm 19 (May The Words)" will close our service and commission us to radical obedience and service to our great King!

Happy preparation!

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