Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pray for UCLA

John Book of Crossroads called me up the other morning and asked if I'd be available to sit in and play drums with the Campus Crusade group that meets at UCLA. I was excited to do so, as I do not often get to play the drums these days, but also that this would be the first time I will have been a part of a Campus Crusade event!

I had never actually been on the campus of UCLA, but when I went down to University Lutheran Chapel (which is right next to campus) to rehearse with their worship band, I was struck with the gargantuan size of the school. So many students living in such a close proximity who need the gospel! It made me very thankful for the ministry of Campus Crusade, that they would go in and take God's truth to a demographic that is becoming increasingly secular and "scientific," and who for as much as they wail for "tolerance," are becoming more and more INtolerant of Christianity (noted celebrity Ben Stein is actually making a documentary on this called "Expelled").

Would you worship through intercessory prayer for the ministry of Campus Crusade at UCLA, and especially for this first meeting of the quarter that takes place tonight at 7:00 pm? Pray that God's truth would break through walls of intellectualism and doubt, and that his Spirit would be mightily at work on that campus!

I'll be sure to take some pictures, and recap a little bit after the event. Remember to pray tonight at 7:00 pm!

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