Friday, February 4, 2011

Preparing for Worship: February 6th, 2011

Hey folks! What a great time we shared last weekend with Dave Dravecky! We made it through three services and had just enough seats. Some of our students are away at camp this weekend, and our Sunday morning Life Stage Groups are back in full swing during the 9:30am service so hopefully we'll have adequate space for all; invite a friend or neighbor!

We're learning a new song this week that's actually been around for quite some time, but this is the first time we're doing it at Crossroads. It's called "Revelation Song" by Jennie Lee Riddle, so be sure to click the song title in the set list below to see/hear it before you come so you'll know how it goes and you don't have to waste time learning it when you could be SINGING at the top of your lungs!

Here's what we'll be singing together:
1- "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" (I finally recorded the version we do at Crossroads)
2- "This God He Is Our God" 
3- "Revelation Song" **NEW SONG**
4- "Jesus Thank You"
5- "Marvelous Light"


jim said...

Now you have eight people!

Paul said...

Haha! Thanks Jim!