Friday, February 5, 2010

Preparing for Worship: February 7th, 2010

Hey guys, sorry I didn't post last Friday to help you all prepare for last Sunday! I was out renting cellos, and helping pianos get brought in to our worship center, and putting our great cellist, Meghan Zeikle, up in our guest room.

I hope you guys enjoyed our special "Winter Cello-bration" last weekend, and that it helped to keep our ears and hearts fresh to all kinds of beautiful musical expression to aid in our corporate worship! I had a great time playing that big beast of a piano, and it's always a pleasure for me to worship with Meghan, as we have ministered together since our college days at Master's College in the Chorale, and for the last two summers at the Resolved Conference.

We will have another Cello-bration in the future, and for those of you that weren't able to be there this past week, you'll have another chance to worship with us with piano/cello accompaniment.

So we set our sights on this coming Sunday, and prepare to pick up where we left off last week in our study of Ephesians. Pastor Todd is preaching from chapter four, verses 13-16. CLICK HERE to read this week's passage about growing up in Christ as his body.

Since it's the first Sunday of the month, we'll also remember Christ's death for us as we take communion together after Pastor Todd's sermon.

Now onto the singing! We're gonna start the morning with a good waker-upper song: "Marvelous Light" which reminds us why we are there together, to worship the God who called us out of darkness and into light through the cross. We, who once were fatherless strangers with no hope have been given new life in Christ. Sin has lost its power; death has lost its sting! From the grave You've risen victoriously!

Pastor Todd will jump up for a few minutes of welcome and announcement stuff and we can worship together through prayer, welcoming visitors and greeting and encouraging friends we already know! We'll also see a quick video for the upcoming Financial Peace University class at Crossroads.

We'll start up the music again as we engage in revelation/response with God as He's revealed himself through His Word, and His Son. We'll sing of his great love for us in "The Father's Love" and contemplate our new life as sons and daughters, and the desire for clean hands and a pure heart; that we might seek God and seek Him alone in "Give Us Clean Hands."

Pastor Todd will preach the Word to us, and lovingly encourage and exhort us to grow up in spiritual maturity so as to not be tossed to and fro, but to speak the truth IN LOVE to one another so as to build up the body of Christ. Again, be sure you check out the passage of scripture, so you're prepared to glean the truth God would have you learn and apply to your life.

We'll respond to the Spirit's teaching by celebrating communion together after Todd's message, and singing "Jesus Messiah" which quotes 2 Corinthians: He became sin, WHO KNEW NO SIN, that WE might become HIS righteousness! It is absolutely astounding that we have inherited the PERFECT righteousness of Christ because of our faith in what He did on the cross!!!

We'll end our time together with the song "Stronger" that I hope will go with us as we leave the church "building" to BE the church in the world around us; that God is stronger than sin and darkness, and that through us, his name will be lifted higher and higher above all names in the universe!


So yeah, that's what's-a-happening. Hope to see you there, ready to go! Happy prepping.

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