Thursday, November 5, 2009

Preparing For Worship: November 8th, 2009

I have had one person mention my lack of blogging to me over the past two weeks; and he doesn't even go to our church! If you normally read Friday's "Preparing For Worship" posts, then I'm sorry I've left you hanging the past two weeks! The month of October was jam packed with great ministry opportunities, and blogging always got pushed right off the list!

Over the last month or so, I was privileged to be able to lead worship over at Grace Brethren School in Simi Valley (where our youth director Stephen Barshaw teaches); and also over at Santa Clarita Christian School for their respective "Spiritual Emphasis Weeks." I also was honored to return to The Master's College chapel to lead worship there on the day that Pastor Todd spoke. Yes, it's true: Pastor Todd spoke at The Master's College! What's the world coming to?? :)

So things are returning to normal speed this month (the "lull" before the holidays), and I'm glad to finally be back at the blog again, helping my family at Crossroads to prepare for worship each week!

This week we'll be starting the service with two songs "How Great Thou Art" and "Blessed Be Your Name." These two songs really help illustrate the proper worship experience:
Step 1) We understand who God is, as revealed in his Word and through his Spirit alive in us (How Great THOU Art)
Step 2) We respond with worship (awe, surrender, thanksgiving, joy, conviction and repentance, etc.) ("my heart will choose to say: 'Lord, blessed be Your name!'")

The idea of this worship experience doesn't only take place in church on a Sunday morning, and as we grow older, and are exposed to the wide breadth of the character of God, we can, in effect, respond to that every minute of every day. As the apostle Paul said: whether you eat or drink, do it unto the glory of God! As we eat, and remember that God is our provider and sustainer, we eat with thankfulness and trust, and as a result, we worship with every bite (so to speak).

We have a few special things to communicate this week, which we'll take time to do after the first two tunes.
1) Pastor Todd will give us an update of what's going on in our Children's Ministry
-let's continue the idea of responding to God's character here: as Pastor Todd tells us what is happening in our Children's Ministry, we have the chance to thank God for providing faithful teachers for our various classes. We can be thankful that each week, committed volunteers are showing the love of Jesus to every child that's there, and teaching them about God. We respond with gratefulness to God for these people, and rejoice that God has a plan for each of our precious children to bring glory to his name!

2) We'll see another short video about "Operation Christmas Child"
-as we are made aware of the need these kids have all over the world, we have the opportunity to be moved by compassion to take action and participate in obedience to "care for the widows and the orphans" (basically, those who are in need). Obedience is a proper response of worship to God.

We'll take a few moments to say good morning to each other, and welcome visitors, showing the love of Christ to others through a warm smile and a friendly handshake. Ask how someone's week was, and be prepared to honestly say how yours was too! If it turns in to a longer conversation than the greeting time, remember to follow up after service, or walk out into the lobby area! I won't be offended, and neither will God! The body is supposed to encourage and edify each other, and if you have the opportunity to have a real conversation with somebody, don't cut it short for time's sake!

We'll sing two more songs before the sermon: "Before The Throne of God Above" and "Surrender," which again outlines our experience of Proclamation and Response. We remind ourselves of our great High Priest (Christ) who pleads our case before the Father, crediting his perfect righteousness to our accounts. Then we respond by "laying down our rights" and "giving up our pride" and surrendering all to God's sovereign will to be used by him.

Pastor Todd will then come teach us from Ephesians 2:11-16 (CLICK HERE TO READ IT). This passage is all about what Christ accomplished in our salvation: breaking down the wall between the Jew and the Gentile, and between man and God. He's appropriately titled his sermon "Tear Down This Wall." The sermon time is a time rich with opportunity to respond to God. We may think that since we sit and listen for 40 minutes, we don't have any opportunities to worship, but as we listen actively, process, and think through ideas, and then respond by changing our lives appropriately, we honor God. Pastor Todd is just as much a worship leader as I am.

Corporately, we'll respond together to the message by singing two final songs: "Completely Done" and "I Have a Hope" which both celebrate the reality of our salvation: done and secure. We don't have to fear being separated from God any longer, and this should evoke in us joy, hope, thanksgiving, and awe for God's great love and mercy shown to us through Christ.

So that's what's going on this Sunday; hope this helps!

PS. You can get a free download of "Completely Done" from Sovereign Grace by clicking HERE.

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