Friday, February 20, 2009

Preparing For Worship: February 22nd, 2009

"Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil."

As Pastor Todd said last week, this Sunday we'll finish looking at Jesus' pattern for prayer in Matthew 6.  This portion of the prayer is often times our favorite, as it involves asking for stuff for the most important person in our lives: OURSELVES.  ;)

Come ready to sing this week, and take a look at the video clips of the songs we'll be singing so you can refresh your memory, and maybe just jam out a little in front of your c
omputer screen...

We'll start with about the resurrection, and the joy of knowing our Lord is alive: "See What A Morning," and then for all you Crossroads veterans, we're going to do a song that you used to do often before I came around. It's an older Chris Tomlin song called "Unchanging" and if you don't remember a time when I wasn't leading worship at Crossroads, you might want to check the song out because it might seem new to you!

Pastor Todd will come and lead us in prayer to commit the morning to the glory of God, and then have us greet each other with a holy kiss.  Probably not, but hey, it's biblical... I guess spouses could go for it, or people you're like reeeeaaaally close to... 

ANYWAY...we'll continue singing the truths of scripture in "Psalm 62" which describes God as our strong and impenetrable fortress of protections, and then we'll sing "Mighty to Save" which describes that same immense and unlimited strength and power over our sin.

Then it's sermon time, and we've got a really cool little treat for you right before the sermon involving one of our Crossroads kids and The Lord's Prayer...

Come prepared to study hard after what God would have you take away from this message, and prepared to, if need be, change your way of thinking, or change your behavior, or both, in order to more fully conform to the image of Christ found in God's Word. God's Word isn't a collection of nice stories, it's a manual for living, and its truth is life changing, but only if we're willing to effect that change in our day to day.

We'll respond to the message with song, and sing the old hymn "Praise to the Lord" which is a little reminder to our souls about God's sovereignty and providence over us and to us.  We'll end with "Give Us Clean Hands" as a prayer that we might be a generation that seeks God's face in all things.

That's what's going on; happy preparation!

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