Friday, August 29, 2008

Preparing For Worship: August 31, 2008

I'm sure many of you are back in the swing of the school year, whether you're in class, teaching class, or taking kids to and from class. It's sad to see Summer go, but how amazing is the changing of seasons? That because the earth is changing it's angle to the sun, our whole climate and environment changes? Pretty amazing. I'm sure many of you have heard the "fact" (I'm not entirely sure it is fact, but it's the sentiment that counts...) that if the earth were any closer to the sun, that we would all burn up from the heat, and if it was any farther away, that we would all freeze! Pretty amazing God we serve.

This Sunday we get to do just that in the unique setting of the church! We'll begin by declaring that all blessing, honor, glory, and power belong to the "Ancient Of Days." Then Pastor Todd will come and lead in a pastoral prayer, followed by a time to greet friends and visitors.

We'll keep on singing, and reminding ourselves of God's sovereignty by singing "We Trust Your Will" and then rejoice that in his perfect wisdom and plan, he sent his son to redeem us from our sins, that we might no longer be his enemies, but he has called us his Friends! ("Friend of God").
We'll finish the set with our new song that rejoices in the power of God to crush sin and death, called "Stronger."

Pastor Todd will then come preach from the Sermon on the Mount, and talk about the second beatitude. We'll consider our sin, and whether we are truly broken and sorry for our sins.

I'm going to read from Psalm 51, and share a song based out of the passage as we meditate on the teaching, and do a bit of self-evaluation in this area.

Then we'll all sing "From The Inside Out" as a song of commitment, that though we fail a thousand times, God's mercy remains, and ask that he would consume us from the inside out, that the cry of our hearts would be to bring him praise!

Happy preparation!

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