Thursday, October 11, 2007

Holding Faith And A Good Conscience

This Sunday Pastor Todd wraps up 1 Timothy chapter 1, with the apostle's call to "wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience." He's spent the majority of this first chapter warning us against getting sucked into false teaching and doctrine, but to hold fast to the "gospel of the glory of the blessed God."

We realize that this "good warfare" we are called to wage is not purely against teachers with wrong doctrine, but in a greater sense, against the "devil's schemes" as Paul says in Ephesians. In chapter 6, he tells us
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

We must take take seriously the call to hold fast to faith and a good conscience. This is a call to godly living and integrity in each of our lives! And I know in my own life, this is a significant battle each and every day that leaves us bruised and battered at times.

The good news is that we rely not on our own strength, but on the strength of an all-powerful, sovereign God, who equips us to do that which he has called us to do!

This Sunday, we will corporately seek God's strength and wisdom in our lives, that we might walk in a manner worthy of our calling as Christians. We'll start the service with "Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing)" which has such a great chorus: "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Your love makes me sing!" It reminds us that we're not offering God something he needs when we sing, but we're responding to how he has met our needs, both by being who he is, and because of his perfect plan of redemption in our lives!

Then we'll have a few short announcements, and then a baby dedication! How great it is that these parents want to stand before the church body and commit to bringing their child up in the ways of the Lord, and how great it is that the church body commits to encouraging, and helping them to keep that. Then we'll sing some more: "Be Glorified" again cries to God to accomplish his perfect will in our lives through his strength, and we'll learn a new song called "Lord Jehovah" which is a song of commitment on our part to bow before the Lord's throne and bring glory, honor, and praise in everything that we do. Right before the sermon, we'll sing "Change My Heart Oh God" as turn our hearts to the life changing truth of scripture and seek the Spirit's sanctification through it.

Pastor Todd will preach a message entitled "Don't Let Satan Blow It Out" calling us to the same charge Paul give to Timothy.

Then we'll respond with two "Take My Life" songs: the great hymn "Take My Life And Let It Be" and "Take My Life (Holiness, holiness, is what I long for)"

Looking forward to worshiping with all of you this Sunday!

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